Kitchen worktop

The kitchen worktop is a crucial element, as most kitchen tasks are performed on it. It can be made from various materials, so the choice depends on its intended use.

Various kitchen worktop

Laminate top

This is the worktop that is mostly found in kitchens, thanks to its vastness of finishes and colors available but above all also at a competitive price. it consists of a chipboard covered with a laminate sheet that protects and improves it but remains a material that suffers if subjected to high temperatures but has good resistance to scratches, bumps, stains, and water.

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Laminate top

Stratified HPL top

This top is made up of multiple layers of HPL (high-pressure laminate) and is used a lot for its resistance to wear, scratches, chemicals, and high temperatures, it is easy to clean, non-toxic, and antibacterial.

Stratified HPL top

Fenix top

Fenix is a material obtained artificially thanks to the use of resins and the latest technology machinery. The innovation of the Fenix top lies in the fact that it manages to regenerate itself thanks to the heat, therefore it has excellent resistance to scratches, rubbing, and dry heat, not only does this material have a good ability to reduce the bacterial load that makes it its hygienic, water-repellent, anti-mold and easy to clean surface.


Corian top

The main feature of Corian is its ability to be molded and thermoformed. It is resistant, hygienic, and easy to clean and repair thanks to its physical characteristics, moreover with Corian, it is possible to create tops without joints and with integrated sinks.

Corian top

Quartz top

Quartz, together with laminate, is one of the most used materials for the creation of kitchen tops. it is composed of quartz, resin, and pigments that give it impermeability, and resistance to stains and solvents, abrasion, attack by chemical agents, and heat. With quartz surfaces, it is possible to create integrated basins to give the kitchen a cleaner and more uniform appearance.

Quartz top

Granite top(Marble)

The marbles and granites have always been used to decorate and make a room unique, so we could not miss them in the kitchens, especially in rich residences with fine finishes. Being natural products they have characteristics and above all different costs depending on the type. In addition to the aesthetic aspect, we must also consider the technical aspect. Marble is a porous material, and although it can be treated with specific products aimed at increasing its impermeability, this characteristic remains, it gets dirty easily, and cleaning it is not always so simple. Granite is stronger than marble, its hardness is its main characteristic, it resists humidity and it is the most resistant and durable of all natural stones. Even granite, like marble, has a certain porosity, but unlike the latter, it resists brilliantly to acids.

Stainless steel top

The stainless-steel kitchen worktop is used for its strong resistance to

corrosion and impact. It is an easy-to-clean product but requires great

maintenance, with specific products given its poor resistance to scratches

and opacification.

Stainless steel top
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