Your One-Stop Shop For Georgia Home Repairs

For all your building repair needs, turn to Horizon Homes & Renovations. Trust us to be with you every step of the way. Contact Horizon Homes & Renovations based in Georgia today to get started.

Customized Solutions to Repair Your Home

If you're considering repairing your home, look no further than Horizon Homes. Our comprehensive services will guide you through every step of the process, from initial assessment to final design. We create a stress-free environment for our clients and work closely with professional contractors to ensure that all repairs are done correctly and on time. With Horizon Homes, you can trust that your home repairs are in good hands.

Custom Georgia Home Repair Services


Custom Home Repair & Restoration

Storm Damage Repair

Water Damage Repair

Fire Damage Repair

Initial Site Assessment

Repair Design & Planning

Work Side-By-Side With Contractor

Experience A Natural Disaster in Georigia?

Severe thunderstorms and tornadoes can cause extensive damage to homes and buildings in Georgia. When disaster strikes, it's important to have a trusted partner to help you assess the damage and develop a plan for repair. At Horizon Homes & Renovations, we offer a range of services to help you recover from storm damage. Our team has experience with a variety of repair projects, from evaluating and repairing roof damage on residential properties to designing the replacement of a commercial building's second story after it was hit by a tornado.

Trust us to inspect and repair your home or building with the same care and attention to detail that we would use on our own properties.

Custom Home Repairs