What Makes a Modern Living Room?

Surely it is easy to guess the TV and the sofa, but be careful because these too must have very specific characteristics and then there is much more. If you are curious, here are all the details.

This trend has very specific characteristics that must be respected if an optimal result is to be obtained. For example, natural materials are preferred, furniture with very clean lines, and a lot of attention is paid to the accessories and ornaments.

Do you know what are the 10 things that cannot be missing in a modern living room?

Let’s see together.

  • Corner sofa
  • Tv
  • Low-design coffee table
  • Bookcase
  • Carpet
  • Lamps
  • Minimal equipped wall
  • Mirror
  • Art
  • Plants

Corner sofa

In a modern living room the protagonist is the sofa. This has clean lines and has a very simple structure. A corner model, if the size of the room allows it, cannot be missing.

In fact, it is wider and more comfortable, ideal for accommodating more people or simply for relaxing by stretching out your legs. In short, after a long day this is just what you need, so don’t hesitate to choose a corner sofa for the modern living room.

corner sofa


Modern style goes hand in hand with technology and consequently electronic appliances cannot be missing when furnishing according to this trend.

In fact, these are not just accessories, but they become one of the characteristics that distinguish the modern room. For this, there must absolutely be a TV in the living room. Ultra-thin screen models are in fashion.

Low design coffee table

When furnishing according to the modern style, clean lines are always preferred. This, however, does not mean that we must stop at furnishings with rectangular or square shapes. On the contrary, instead, objects with a particular design are also sought after, capable of attracting attention.

For example, a low table with particular shapes cannot be missing in the modern living room. Look for something unique, capable of beautifying the environment.


In the modern living room, the bookcase is always present. This can also occupy an entire wall and be made to measure, for example with plasterboard.

Generally, the modern bookcase has particular shapes, it can be in wood, but also in metal, it depends on the colors you have chosen for your living room.

If you’re looking for the perfect color combination for your living room, check out our article on living room color ideas.

bookcase in modern house


The carpet is never missing in the living room. Generally, it is placed at the foot of the sofa or under the low table. In a modern living room, where neutral colors predominate, it is essential to give a little three-dimensionality.

The dimensions must be chosen in proportion to the size of the room. For example, if the living room is small, you shouldn’t choose a carpet that is too big and it shouldn’t have too strong colors.

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